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7th Forum Presentations


Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Fabian Lopez, Under Secretary of Water Resources, Government of the 
Republic of Argentina

Session One:

Water Scarcity in the Americas: Common Problems – Henry Vaux, Chair, Paul Perkins, Rapporteur

A Southern Perspective (PDF) – Abel Mejia, Venezuela 

A Northern Perspective (PDF) – David Getches, USA

Session Two:

Adaptation to Scarcity: The Range of Choice - Mordechai Shechter, Chair Helen Ingram, Rapporteur 

Institutional Response as an Adaptation (PDF) - R. Maria Saleth, India 

Session Three:

Supply and Sanitation: How are the Unserved to be Served? - Paul Perkins, Chair, Alberto Garrido, Rapporteur 

Serving the Urban Unserved (PDF) - Raul Lopardo, Argentina 

Serving the Rural Unserved (PDF) - Katherine Vammen, Nicaragua

Session Four:

Lessons in Conjunctive Use - Ayman Rabi, Chair, Ariel Dinar, Rapporteur 

Innovative Lessons in Ground Water Management (PDF) -Tushaar Shah, IWMI, India 

The Case of Mexico (PDF) - Blanca Jimenez, UNAM, Mexico

Session Five:

Cases in Transboundary Water Management - Robert Sandford, Chair, Ariel Dinar, Rapporteur 

The Mackenzie River Basin (PDF) - Rob de Loe, Canada 

The La Plata River Basin (PDF) - Victor Pochat, Argentina

Session Six:

The Role of Indigenous Claims to Water and Indigenous Knowledge - Helen Ingram, Chair, Robert Sandford, Rapporteur 

Pursuing Indigenous Claims (PDF) - Patricia Avila Garcia, Mexico 

The Importance of Traditional Knowledge (PDF) - Michael Miltenberger, Canada